A message from our president…

All of us at Media Stage extend our most sincere well wishes to you, our clients, partners, industry peers and associates during this difficult time. We hope you are staying safe by remaining at home, and are all in good health, with an optimistic frame of mind.
Our entire staff is working remotely on a reduced schedule to help offset some of our challenges. We very much look forward to returning to normalcy, producing incredible shows around the world. Our business foundation is solid, and we are confident that we will emerge from this crisis energized and stronger than ever. This is not the first time in our 30-year history that we’ve dealt with extreme adversity, and fortunately it has taught us the critical need to always plan for the unpredictable.
We are so appreciative of all the notes, calls and inquiries we’ve received over the last few weeks to check in on our crew. It means more than words can say and deepens our trust in the good nature of people as we all must come together right now.
As always, thank you for your continued support. If there is anything that we can do for you or your company during these trying circumstances, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are equipped to assist in non-traditional ways and would welcome the opportunity to step in where needed. You can contact us at 800-418-8388 or info@mediastage.com, and be sure to follow us on our social media pages for continued updates.
Be well, be safe and keep in touch.
Wilson Alers