Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital collabs with Boston Children’s Hospital in MSI virtual studio

You’ve seen Joe D on our virtual platform before, and we were happy to also include Boston Children’s Hospital on our most recent show! This joint program featured a live studio host and alternating remote presenters from both hospitals.

Dr. Ronald Ford of Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital moderated the event from our onsite studio, with our set consisting of a professional look of black drape and cool toned up-lighting. This two-day show was live all the way through, so his role was very important in introducing remote presenters and keeping the schedule on track.

We took the incoming video feeds of all the presenting doctors into our virtual command center to be broadcast out to the custom-built host site showcasing logos and branding of both hospitals. Each of the doctors shared presentations, so we switched between individual camera shots and two-/three- boxes of them next to their slides and videos. This required tech-checking and prepping the next presenters in the show flow while they were “on deck” in our virtual green room.

Both hospitals provided us with some video content to play in between the segments to break up the presentations a bit. These videos, showing behind the scenes tours and hospital initiatives, made for great transition pieces throughout the event.
Some of the topics covered included pediatric dermatology, orthopedic procedures, the impact of COVID-19 over the last year and projections for future protocol within a widely vaccinated population, among others. The sessions were highly informative, and our… very-non-medical… production team even learned a lot from behind the scenes!
Amanda Millman and Cynthia Garibaldi deserve a huge applause for all their prep and planning going into this one. It was wonderful to see the two hospitals join forces on such a successful and enlightening event. Bravo!