Make-A-Wish Southern Florida unites community

Media Stage had the privilege of providing A/V for the 2022 Make-A-Wish Wishmaker’s Starfishes and Wishes Party presented by First Horizon Foundation to raise funds for the local community’s “Wish Kids.”
The annual event was held at the Ritz-Carlton Naples and attended by more than 200 people. More than $540,000 in funds were raised through the generous donations of the community and during live and silent auctions throughout the night.
Our ballroom set-up included pipe and drape, projection screens for video playback, camera for IMAG, a full audio complement, and various lighting effects throughout the room to create an on-brand blue ambience.

Make-A-Wish Southern Florida and Media Stage have been partners for many years and we are thrilled to help them continue their incredible efforts in our area. We welcome any opportunity to play even a small part in helping the organization to achieve their goal of “creating life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.”
The focus for this production is always to highlight the testimonials of the children and keep their “wishes” at the forefront of the event. We thank everyone from Make-A-Wish Southern Florida for trusting us with this very special show!
If you would like to donate to Make-A-Wish Southern Florida you may do so by calling 954-967-WISH (9474) or by clicking the link below:
Make A Wish