Media Stage e-Merges for Tech Week 2014

On May 5th & 6th at the Miami Beach Convention Center, Media Stage provided custom staging, multiple HD projection screens, audio, lighting systems & 3D projection mapping for the Inaugural Emerge Americas Miami Tech Week 2014.

The event featured several ‘Summit Stages’ and a six (6) sided video screen display that surrounded a custom scenic ‘media cone’ and center stage in the middle of the exhibition hall.
Media Stage provided screen blends & multiple image displays via Vista Spyder 344 and six (6) Barco HD W12 projectors, sound via 12 x Meyer M2D, a number of UPAs and 650p subs.

The lighting for the “Hexagonal Media Cone” was created via series of Mac 700s and Mac 2k XB series moving fixtures.

The Center Stage featured live ‘Start Up’ Competitions, that featured young entrepreneurs “pitching” their ideas to an estemeed panel of judges for large prizes and business opportunities.

Throughout each day, Media Stage also produced four (4) Summit Stages with multiple panels and speaker changes every half hour, often back to back. The Summit Stages featured keynote speakers who discussed a wide range of exciting technology related topics and how they effect or will effect our everyday lives in the unprecedented pace of the digital world. Media Stage provided a 16 x 9′ front projection screen and Barco W12 that switched between a live HD camera feed, slides and video playback.

The Summit discussions were sub divided into six categories, each with its own icon and color set inside a hexagon with curved corners.

Each stage also featured a dedicated, customized 10′ Hexagonal Screen that was flown to give a ‘floating effect’ to the display of each sub category icons, customized to each session. Icons morphed from the Emerge icon to the next scheduled Summit Category/Icon via 3D video projection mapping effects.

Each Summit promised a very engaging, very contemporary attendee experience with Live Webstreaming, Airplay (Apple TV) demonstrations and live IMAG broadcasts to other Summit rooms in the venue…

At the end of Day 2 Emerge Chair Manny Medina interviewed “Mr 305” multi platimum rap artist Pitbull LIVE on Center Stage in regards to how technology and living in Miami forged his career.

The Conference attracted over 5000 attendees and closed with the Center Stage Media Hub transforming into a hi-tech materials fashion show.
Need your next conference, stage presentation or runway show to look like this? We can make it our mission. Call 800 418 8388 or email us at