Miami rallies together for Israel
In partnership with our longest-running client, Greater Miami Jewish Federation, the Media Stage team provided AV and livestreaming support for a pro-Israel rally at the Holocaust Memorial on Miami Beach two weeks ago.
We loaded in the morning of the scheduled rally to the streets surrounding the memorial. There was heightened security and several road blocks that we had to navigate in order to get our trucks in to off-load. Our gear complement included a full audio package with outdoor-rated speakers and a combo of wireless and lectern mics to be used by speakers.

Most importantly, the audio signal had to be fed into our livestream that was being supported by a wireless cellular bonded internet connection. Our two cameras were positioned to get a wide shot of everyone who spoke on stage and to pan around for crowd shots.

Our crew brought in and built the main stage and positioned multiple lighting trees for stage wash. The rally lasted about an hour and then we broke everything down and shipped it back immediately afterward.
We were proud to be among the overwhelming support of 3,000 individuals who showed up in person, in addition to the vast online participation. GMJF was successful in raising funds for relief efforts to send to those in Israel who are in need. Please visit their website to learn more about their continued response and how you can help: