On your mark, get set, GO!

Last week, we added a first to our virtual production portfolio: we produced the kick-off for a virtual “ride, run, walk” race! This 12th annual event, ANF Tour De Broward, encourages participants to pledge a donation amount upon registration for the race to continue uplifting fundraising efforts for Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital.

Producing a virtual “race” allowed our team to get creative with set design, use of B-roll and integration of live presenters. The show featured Aurelio Fernandez (CEO of Memorial Healthcare System), Kevin Janser (SVP of Foundations), Caitlin Stella (CEO of JDCH) and Al Fernandez (CEO of ANF) all in our onsite studio to conduct the live interview portion of the event.
Throughout the program, Caitlin hosted a lighthearted Q&A with the six CEOs of Memorial Healthcare System in South Florida and with our favorite four-legged friend to have on air: Freedom, the JDCH Therapy Dog (you may remember him from the Celebrity Wine Tasting back in November)! All the executives were remote; we took their live video feeds into our Command Center as Caitlin asked the questions from our adjacent studio. Many of them participated in the interview while wearing exercise attire and pedaling on stationary bikes to satisfy the event theme.

We dressed the set for the four in-person panelists with drape, up-lighting, truss structures to hold bicycles as décor pieces and a display with the event jersey paired with a bike helmet. We pre-filmed B-roll of Aurelio and Al biking and jogging, respectively, from the entrance of our building into the studio. During the live run of show, we played those pre-recorded videos and picked up live with them taking their seats on set as if the whole sequence happened all at once.

The live kick-off was attended by over 700 people – a great start to the collective efforts that have just begun! Registration for the race segment of this event is still open. Those interested can find more information by clicking this link: http://support.mhsfoundation.org/site/TR?fr_id=1120&pg=entry. The goal is to raise $350,000 for JDCH and, on behalf of our partners there, we are all extremely grateful to those who have already contributed.
As always, we were honored to produce another event for JDCH… and we look forward to collaborating more throughout this upcoming year as well!